1. What is your role at CERT Solutions? Candidate Resourcer – I find the talent!
  2. Coffee or Tea Person? Coffee all day!
  3. Favourite Film? The Wolf of Wall Street
  4. Favourite Series? Benidorm or Friends
  5. Favourite Holiday Destination? Tenerife
  6. If you could travel anywhere in the world. Where would you go and why? Canada – I’d love to move there one day!
  7. If you could have dinner with 3 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you choose? Bob Marley, Kevin Hart, Seth Rogan
  8. Early Morning or Late Night? Early morning
  9. Night out or night in? Night in
  10. Favourite Season? Autumn – Halloween!
  11. If you could master any skill what would it be? Fluent in all languages
  12. What is your favourite way to unwind after a busy day? Spend time with my dog or watch Netflix
  13. What is your favourite way to spend a day off? Dog walks and movie days
  14. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you bring? Portable DVD player, duvet and toothbrush
  15. What is the most unusual talent you have? Juggling
  16. Favourite Sport/Activity? Target shooting
  17. What’s something on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish in the next year? Go travelling or live off grid!
  18. Favourite Music Genre? Afrobeats
  19. Are you a planner or go with the flow? Planner
  20. Favourite Cuisine? Indian food